Training for Cliqly
Watch this video to see an overview how to start earning.
Questions & Answers
For Earning with Cliqly
1. Cliqly is FREE to join!...................................................
2. Cliqly allows you to start earning real money on........
your second day!
3. Cliqly pays you $97 upfront for every paying referral!
4. You will probably be able to earn $40 - $80 with.........
the Free Credits.
1. You have to have $300 to cash out.................................
2. Cliqly will not give you enough free credits to earn $300
What to do?
Strategy 1: Just upgrade if you're able to..............................
Strategy 2: Earn as much as you can and then save up the
$97 to upgrade and continue earning.
Strategy 2: Refer 2 or 3 people who upgrade and you ........
should be able to cash out. Want help learning
how to refer? Contact your sponsor down below.
Does Cliqly Really Pay?
It has been our experience that they really do!
What to do NEXT?
We believe that Cliqly is a good company and that they
want to be complient with the US government (hence the
necessity to fill out a W2 form before you get paid).
We also believe that IF it costs you $97 or even $194
to earn $300 that it is worth it. That's like saying
"I'll give you $2 if you'll give me $3". Who wouldn't
give 2 to get 3?
We also believe that if you have to pay more
than $194, that this will also be evenually worth it because
each person that clicks on the links in your emails you send
out through Cliqly, builds your list and allows you to earn more and
more. We believe you will eventually be able to not only break even but
begin to really profit.
It has been our experience that Cliqly is really EASY
and allowsy you to earn REAL MONEY easily each day.
We highly recommend that you continue, build up
your earnings and then contact us so that we
can help YOU learn the skills that changed
everything for us earning online!
Your Sponsor:
Albie Derbyshire
(full name: Albion Derbyshire)
Follow these illustrated steps below. Use
two tabs. One to view these illustrations and
one inside of Cliqly to complete each step.
Once you've logged in, then scroll down and see next illustration:
1. Click the PRO Mailing Button (as shown in illustration above).
Then watch the video next to it.

2. Scroll down and click blue button to send your first email
(as shown in illustration above:)
3. Read Step 1 and then then information below that. Then scroll down to
Step 2 ?(as shown in illustration above:)
4. See the number of subscribers you want to send email to. Then
click the blue button "Go to the Next Step"
?(as shown in illustration above:).
Choose what email you want to send
?(as shown in illustration above:)
Add Your name ?
(as shown in illustration above:)
Also choose time to send
(either now or send in future).
NOTE: After seven days you will only be able to
schedule emails for next day or later.
Then, send mail off ?(as shown in illustration above)!
6. Confirm Sending ?(as shown in illustration above:)
7. You will see "Success" at the top
?(as shown in illustration above)!
7. Repeat this process 5 or more times today.
Do this EACH DAY to earn more and more! This should
take only about 10 -15 mins a day!
8. Tomorrow, check your earnings (by following
this illustration and where to click above):
9. Then click on earnings tab (see illustration above) to see earnings:
10. You will be able to cash out when your earnings reach $300.
Any more questions? Contact your sponsor.
Or: Email, text or join me on AAI
from 9:30 - 10:30 pm EST (
Great work earning with Cliqly!
Don't forget to keep mailing out each
day that you can continue earning in Cliqly.
Stay in daily or weekly contact with your sponsor, so
you can learn the skills to success online.
There are things that you're going to need
learning these skills for
1) Cashing out in Cliqly!
2) Earning high ticket sales
with Cliqly.
3) Earning from multiple affiliate
businesses in your future.
Success is all based on learning
If you're SUCCEEDING, it's because ultimately
you're understanding the fundamentals (the 5 Critical Skills).
(You will need password to enter.
If you want it, simply contact Albie below)
We look forward to working with you!